Disinfection System

Chlorination/ Ozone/ UV is the most common method of treating microorganisms in water. This method is mainly used by water utility companies to kill microorganisms in water right from the water production site up to the consumer's water tap. Aqua Experts is using advance Chlorination systems as Gas chlorination, Electro chlorination, Mobile chlorination and Gas scrubber

Automatic Chlorine Controllers basically can control the dosing of the chlorine by using a chlorine probe that senses the free chlorine residual in the water and adjusts dosing based on the set point which is set manually by the user. The automatic domestic water chlorine dosing system comes as a whole package consisting of the following


Dosing Pumps


Cartridge Filter

Dosing Tanks

Wall Mounted Solenoid Dosing Pumps


Spring Return Plunger Piston Dosing Pump

Spring Return Plunger Piston Dosing Pump for High Pressure

Ozone Water Skid System

UV System

Key Projects

Swimming Pool Dosing System

Domestic Water Chlorination System
